Sunday, 5 December 2010


Like an orca tossing seal,
Waves slap, jaws snap;
You love me
And I lie
Trembling and intoxicated
No wanting to die.

Wednesday, 24 November 2010

I want to add an image, but it does not work, so another pom instead.

I hate this world
That says I have to have
A piece of paper to see my man
Like I hate this world
That says without a piece of paper
My disability can go hang

We have human rights
But Government wrongs

And we pay for their violence
By being strong
Or loosing our homes
Or loosing our loves

No country should have a barrier on love
And no country should have a curb on our potential
We should ebb and flow
Like the tide
Not be bound,
By our beastly, bureaucratic, pompous foes.

2nd pom, or rant.

The wedge on my shoulder
In va a lid id
Dis m'a ability: Pa or
Is ever growing
In proportion to
My Diminished State
Creating a barrier
so large I cannot get through
The door to my life.

I will dislodge the wedge
But will the locksmith's of hope
Ever turn the key?

No Parking.

Glorious autumn colours

Monday, 8 November 2010

First pom

You stereotype me
Mother's Pride slice me
Justify 2 despise me
But fail to analyse me
For am I not you and
Are you not me
So why arn't we: perfect in harmony
Your negative jibes
about "our negative lives"
Don't realise
Just atrophise
A heart once open,
Truly bespoken,
Not just a token to stereotype.