Wednesday, 3 April 2019

Which report finds a high failure rate with regard to solving fraud crimes.

Which has recently done some analysis of how successfully or not the police have been resolving fraud cases.  It makes for interesting reading.

However, in my case the person who took the money I put into a business account, was interviewed by the police. He even told the police that he had taken the money and put it into a bitcoin account, despite it only being in the business account in connection with the sale of a property, and even though there was loads of evidence that he had lied to me in order for me to be involved with that sale. It was the police who first told me that I had been groomed, yet they still did not try and take the matter to court or interview the person's former wife or other family members despite them being advised that the family had acknowledged that I was not the man's first victim.     Now he has resurfaced.  So what will the Police do if another victim comes forward or if the family will help validate the information that I have given them? 

That man put this video up three months ago, but what is not clear from that is that I saw this video some years ago.At the time Mr Banjo said the talk had been recorded whilst he was in Nigeria at a conference. However, I could find no record of that talk in the hotel records for the day he was supposed to be there.   I paid for that flight on the basis that I thought him attending the conference was vital to the business and on the basis that I would get the money back. I never did. I have no idea whether the police even checked if he had entered and exited Britain that day or who if anyone did use that flight.  Nor did I get the money back that I put into our joint business account for the purchase of the property or get paid for the work I did for him on a project to work with Nigerian Cassava Growers. They have never confirmed that he was working legitimately for them ever.  He told me he was in the process of buying two houses in Cambridgeshire, but it turned out that he was living in rented accommodation for example. 

I have let the police know about the information he has put online, but do not expect that they will take any further action on my case despite my best efforts to get them to take him to court. I think they are waiting till I have forgotten all the details and presumably as Mr. Banjo is confident enough to put all this up he too thinks I have forgotten but there are some things that one never forgets and being groomed is one of them.

Monday, 1 April 2019

And I do all this with money from stupid women like Ms Austen who believe me!

 I can provide consultancy services on Blockchain and Smart contracts. I have written a book on the Trade Blockchains Revolution.

I have written several papers on Blockchains Business Strategies and Countertrade. I studied for a degree in finance at the University of East London. I was a Commodity Trader and a Sovereign Debt Instruments trader in the City of London. I have also been involved with innovative trade financing and parallel trading programmes.

I was also trained in the use of Database and network systems, and subsequently, the commercial use of the Internet.I subsequently went on to acquire extensive experience in Internet Business strategies. In the mid Nineteen Nineties, I allied this training and experience, with my own background in Finance, to advise many organizations on their Internet strategies and produce Internet Strategy Reports For them. I have worked with many organizations to help them in their utilization of the Internet for enhancing their supply chains

The emergence into the public consciousness of the use of Trade Blockchains as a decentralized resource in 2016 has thrown up many opportunities for Smart Contracts as a Game Changer. I also believe very strongly that Decentralized Technology can help to improve things for poor farmers in developing countries by using Trade Blockchains to facilitate the disintermediation of intermediaries who don't add value in the supply chain, thereby generating more revenue for the farmers.