Monday, 24 January 2022

A question of priorities?

 I am incredibly lucky although I know lots of people who have had Covid I do not know of anyone very close to me who has died from it and most of my family have had a relatively good pandemic compared to some.  Yet that is not the case everywhere in the country. When I look at how many people who had died in the UK compared to in China it is astonishing.       One Chinese student asked if people were all trying to leave the west to come to China as it is so much safer there, which tickled me, but it is an interesting question. Our freedom comes at a price, but their safety also comes at a price but which is higher.  

Meanwhile Putin seems to be a new threat waiting in the wings.    

Saturday, 15 January 2022

January jaunts. 1

I am relieved to say that most of the family seems to have recovered from Covid and now we have finally plunged into the new year with a mix of birthday celebrations, green party meetings and walks and work on a local community garden.  

Certainly the Green Party is taking up much of the time as we try and get to grips with planning law and all sorts of other things that affect the local community.  Once we start campaigning it could be very hard work. So, it was nice to get stuck in and do a couple of hours work on the community garden down the road in Cheshunt instead and do something practical. 


Over Christmas,  I failed to get to three parties, partly cos of timing and sometimes they were cancelled cos of the virus.  I am amazed to have so many invites.  That Boris might have been to the odd party was not a surprise but that so many parties were happening staggers me,  the rule makers ignoring their own rules.   Like many people I feel incandescent but at least I cannot say that I was under the illusion that Boris would be a good leader. 

The attack on the BBC also leaves me incandescent I really on the BBC for my education and entertainment all through the day,  I hate to think how diminished my life will be if this august institutions is diminished further.  

Sunday, 2 January 2022

Lovely family Christmas but the spectre of the double line cuts things short.

 There is nothing nicer almost than a family Christmas, but at this time, it is difficult to organise and sustain.      But a meal out with all of us,  a panto with some of us, and a shared Christmas Eve, and  Christmas Day Dinner, both with brilliant meals produced by H and R - I have already decided that Christmas Eve curry - homemade of course - should be a thing,  all happened before the plans fell apart and people had to part early to self isolate and recover or just get away from potential illness.   We also had snow to add to the fun, three dogs, who sometimes were very very happy to be together and at other times looked ready to tear each other apart and one who escaped and was almost lost.  We even had two trips to the infamous Barnard Castle whilst away.  

Despite everything was able to stay on for mulled wine, dance and games and fireworks on New Year's Eve and am now back home and back to the ordinary every day.    However, I still find it shocking to have suddenly seen a positive result in a lateral flow device.  I did not know what it was at first I am so used to seeing the nice clear c line and I had to look it up to realise it was a positive - a very negative positive.    Luckily those affected seem to have had a mild illness and were able to self isolate and not affect others.   But the lack of post to order PCR tests  over Christmas, closed help departments on New Year's Eve and the late results back made decision making re work and isolation for those not ill more difficult.    One person who owing to their frailty might have received the new medical treatment is still waiting to hear back from a doctor even though the treatment is supposed to start within 24 hours of a positive test, so bits of the system are not functioning in a helpful way sometimes.  But we are all still here so we have survived but what a horrid way to start a new year.