Monday, 12 March 2012

Services: an oxymoron? The Eon story.

I have decided that Eon is called Eon because it takes them Eons to sort anything out.

One of the reasons for moving is that so much work was needed on my place and I find dealing with anything official or physical so challenging. I naively therefore thought a new property would be easier than sorting out my old property. Silly me, I had not counted on the inefficiencies of services.

Eon have billed me three times for my electricity account with them. Initially they were charging me for the whole house, and have continued to do this. Then they sent a new bill saying I owe them nothing, but the lastest bill says I owe £50. None of these bills have the meter reading I gave them and all of them are guess work. As is the gas bill they just sent me. It is a bill for £25 on my pre-payment meter account!!!!


  1. I cannot remember how many times I was in contact with Eon about this, but eventually it was sorted. However, I still have not sorted British Gas yet. They came out to change the meter so that I do not have to go once a week to buy my gas. They however, could not change the meter because like every single meter in the house, they had the wrong details and they thought the meter that belongs to my house, belonged to downstairs. I gave up. No heart to keep trying to sort everything out. For over 6 months I did not have the energy to do anything about it, but I contacted them recently apparently they had resolved this some months ago, but did not think to tell me that I could have had the meter changed by now.

  2. I am also still trying to sort out my water. When I first moved in they sent me a bit for the whole house. They seemed very helpful when I contacted them about it, assured me that they did not know the house had been split, but they would get in touch with the owner, find out the details and find a way of getting me a nice reduced amount to pay. Months on they contradicted this, said that they had known, and that I owed them more money on my flat that on my previous bigger property around the corner. The only solution was to fix a meter or a notional meter which is how we resolved it. But that only worked whilst I was the sole resident, in this new smaller property, I pay the same amount as I did on my bigger property, but only if I am the sole occupier and at the end of last year, my son moved in. I want the water board to charge me a rate that reflects the fact that this is a smaller property than my old one, but I am not getting anywhere so far.
