Saturday, 19 October 2013

I really felt that.

4. Once rolled, dampen and stamp on it rythmatically
Last night when I got home two very nice Swedish students and their guide were at the Ashu, we talked briefly and then I checked about my horse ride for today.  But the manager who arranges these things said that I might want to leave it till tomorrow as some people were coming down on Saturday to make a film and they might want to talk with some of the tourists. So us tourists looked at each other in surprise and me being a vain luvvie made sure that I was waiting in the restaurant area this morning for when the film crew arrived.    To my surprise they made no effort to say hello and went off filming and I went off for a bike ride instead.  After lunch me and one of the Swedes were leaving the restaurant when we realised the the crew were filming some women in the garden and the following pictures show what they were filming.
First put the raw (albeit dyed) wool down in the required pattern

2. Cover
5. Then open up and the wool fibres have messed together, unlike my pics which refuse to go where I want them to. 

3. Roll up

Apparently the women in the pictures work for a local collective and supply the Ashu with things like my lovely felt slippers. One of the women, the one on the right was wearing two medals on her coat, apparently from the Soviet days and showing that she has had 5 children.

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