Sunday, 12 April 2015

A varied picture of life in Kyrgyzstan

On Friday I had no teaching, or at least no formal teaching so headed into the field to try and measure the progress of the apple trees, but it was so hot that after a while I came back in and had a lovely time playing with the pre-school group singing them typical nursery rhymes, which they seemed to enjoy.   So far the staff have not had any alcohol fuelled days, in fact this year apparently they are only celebrating two holidays, but the children were having a day's holiday to celebrate the fact that year one students have learned their Russian alphabet and this explained why my arrival did not disrupt the formal programme.  After lunch parents arrived to join in with the celebration but my focus was on the small group of after school students who came to see me. We did a lesson together on Washington, London, and Bishkek. It was lovely to see them.  Once they left, I headed back into the field, but to paint rather than count. This is my first proper go at spray painting and I can see why people might like it.

Saturday I was up unnaturally early as some of the children were heading to Bishkek for a theatre trip and picnic so I hitched a ride with them. It was lovely to see their enthusiasm as they packed the picnic and sang most of the way.  As soon as they were dropped off I met up with my friend, who took me to a lovely new cafe - which turned out to be her son's venture.  The coffee was brilliant so I wish it well. Lunch later at her flat, looking over the mountains was just as good.  I have only had school and Ashu Kyrgyz food, cabbage and meat, green radish and meat doesn't sound much, but it was truly delicous.
Part of the day surprised me. Last year I got the impression that everyone was worried about what Russia's activities in Kyrgyzstan.  Since then Russia has got closer in business terms to Krgyzstan and someone at the Ashu today told me is trying to have more and more influence e.g. getting Kyrgyzstan to enact anti gay laws. However, on Saturday one conversation suggested a different point, one more in line with this article:    Kyrgyzstan at present is a very free country in many ways but West, Islam and Russia are trying to have an influence.

Today I went for my usual walks in the mountains, but something my friend was nagging at me - Why had not I explored more of the valley, especially why hadn't I headed up to the lake.  I therefore approached the manager at The Ashu to ask how much a taxi would cost. She suggested something better tag along with a couple staying who were also trying to find it.  In the end we drove as far as the National Park, so much further than I have been before and we managed to drop a woman off whose journey otherwise would have been hard to contemplate but we never did find the lake - so well I will just have to come back again.   However it was still worth it to see how beautiful it is further up the valley and how isolated some farmers are compared with where I am in the village.

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