Sunday, 12 May 2019

Unexpected Cagliari.

Cagliari is unexpectedly turning into one of the best places I have ever visited,  I always enjoying travelling, but so many things have just happened whilst here it has been magic so far.

First there were the dolphins, which completely blew me away, and the others who saw them.  I know they are not whales but I have attempted to see Whales in Scotland and Iceland, but failed totally, I missed the one seen by the others in Ecuador, as I did not go with them that day and the closest I have come to any such siting is the river in Senegal where I did see a dolphin at a distance, and was looking out for it, but the dolphins here in Cagliari were right under our noses, so close up one could see their markings. There was even a white one, which grew gasps from those who had gathered to watch, so after that it will be hard for Cagliari to fail as an attractive place, but there is also this brilliant weekend on this weekend, a bit like the Open House scheme in London, but with the added benefit that the tour guides are the local school children and in the evening free music events are being put on in some locations. An English speaking Thai woman, who now lives here and I, were for example given an almost exclusive tour of the palace of the Viceroys. And this evening I have jigged around to an evening of Irish music put on in the university palace.   Wonderful. I was even serenaded when I stopped off to have tea and cake before returning to my pilgrimage hostel by a crooner in the next door cafe.  Brilliant day. 

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