Monday, 14 December 2020

Snippets of Pandemic Life.

 The Banjo boys are wonderfully warm on TV,  despite the ice.  I listen to Jordan on the radio and in dance shows with genuine joy and now Ashley is once again coaching many celebs in support of cancer charities.  And I am sure that the two of them are just as lovely and concerned in reality but that of course is what Bex, their uncle relied on when he wormed his way into my confidence and waltzed off with my inheritance from my Dad.   So I still wish that they would give the police the evidence that one family member told me that they had should I ever manage to take him to court.  

I assumed when I reported my fears to the Action Fraud that it would be simple.  All the evidence was there they just had to pick the guy up, but no Action Fraud, felt that he could even be found.  Once the Police were on board, though I was more hopeful as they did charge him. But then the CPS chucked the case out of court  for reasons that were frankly bizarre unless you are a trained lawyer, mere mortals, think taking someone's money is theft, but lawyers say yeah but one day he may give it back so it is not theft! I pursued this not just because the money was lost but because nothing that the authorities did made sense.  Of course in theory they said I could take him to court myself, however, they seem to have forgotten that Bex never gave me his proper address when they said there was no evidence of intent!    I still hope one day he will trip up and he will be prosecuted. Fraud is one of the biggest crimes in the world, people live of other people's earnings, they drain those who work emotionally and financially,  they do untold damage to people.         And they do it knowing that they are virtually untouchable.      You never forget when someone does that to you . 

Brexit though of course is even more gutting. I get that other people wanted their sovereignty back and they did not mind if the country lost a fortune as a result, but what about the people whose futures were damaged in the process.  Nothing has been decided yet even though the transition period ends in a number of days. How business is supposed to prepare it a complete mystery?   Lots of deadlines have come and gone, but the talks go on.      I feel gutted when I think future travel in Europe will cost so much more e.g. insurance and that organising it will be more difficult but luckily I will be retired by the time it is safe to go back abroad, so hopefully by that time how things will work will have been worked out a bit more. 

Meanwhile despite the beginning of vaccinations in the UK,  a new strain of Covid has been found and now my part of Hertfordshire is going into tier three the number of cases is so high.  That could explain why I felt so nervous and tired travelling into London over the weekend for a last quick get together with friends and family outside, it is like I have lost all my travel skills from being indoors so much 

I have however, been brushing off some tech skills only to discover my I phone has virtually no sound, so the lodger had to help me with this "wonderful" contribution to the local Church nativity.  

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