Monday, 15 February 2021

Trying to cheer myself up by editing.

 It has just occurred to me that my son is half my age and I was his age when I gave birth to him.   My step dad was almost the age I am now, when my son was born.     Generations.   

Have finished editing second half of China video but it is too big to upload, but it is on You Tube.  However,  even when I get onto my You Tube account I cannot find it!   Mondays are my day off so last week I tackled Beijing with the simple software and tonight it was pandas in Chengdu.    We try and hold onto life with our photos and then they just accumulate in little SD chips, so I am trying to be a little proactive and I am beginning to sort them out. I have probably lots loads and no one really cares, but it is nice for me to revisit where I have been. 

1 comment:

  1. The two China holiday videos are wonderful. Full of life and so eye opening about the Chinese people. Coupled with recent virtual realtime guided broadcasts of different sights in China it's almost as if I have been there myself.
