Thursday, 9 September 2021

Badly behaved in Croatia.

 Don't know what is wrong with me.  Have just walked out of the local supermarket, not wanting to pay for the goods as they were not what I wanted or expected. Think I am just tired of not being able to understand things, tired of all the emotional ups and downs and even of the heat. I am still happy to be here, but feel I just keep getting things wrong and that is taking its toll.  Plus I am not sure feeling well.  

When I was a teenager I had a slightly similar melt down. Every day I would go out on time to catch the bus to college and every day I would either be late because the bus was late, or I would be late because I missed the bus as the bus was early. One day my body had just had enough and I collapsed for a day or two.  I am not in as serious a state as that, but things are definitely catching up with me.   

I have decided that buses are a bit of a metaphor for life.  The bus fills up at the beginning and then bit by bit there are fewer of us left till there are none, or one is at the bus stop early and still misses the bus etc etc.   I am sure as I get a bit more of the language and can remember to laugh more at my inability to understand and I will be fine but perhaps age and travelling does make it all a bit more challenging.  And I am not well  I treated myself to a meal out a couple of days ago and have not been right since.  I am normally never tempted by hamburgers, but this one promised 100% Croatian beef and everyone has been saying the local hamburgers are the best.  So I gave in.  It was delicious everything about it from the handmade brioche, to the crunchy salty bacon bits on top but it was rather red inside and I felt too shy and too lacking in knowledge about hamburgers to know if that was right or not.   Anyway based on how ill I have been since, I guess in this instance, perhaps that was not right.  I think burgers can be pink like this one, but perhaps it wasn't cooked to the right temperature level.  Time to slink back to cold old England and try and get back to a bit of work and " normality" whatever that is in a world where the Taliban are back in control and the weather is up the creek.   

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