Monday, 7 February 2022

Queenie has reigned for 70 years.

 I do not know how she does it, but this weekend, was the 70th anniversary of the Queen's accession to the throne.    I have been alive for almost 67 of those years so she is the only monarchy I have known the only way of living has been under her "Guidance" "Authority" whatever you like.  I may not be a wild supporter or follower of Monarchy but I can see that has given a structure and a culture in effect to my whole life and it has possibly contributed to the stability and  yet stuffiness of the country.   I do not know how she does it.  I crawl to work a few hours a week, sometimes enjoying and celebrating the time, sometimes resenting it,  often feeling very tired. But then in between I am in some ways celebrating life more and more as I find things available at last to do locally, that I could not access when I was working full time for example gardening, T'ai Chi, yoga, art.     But as I do them I am mindful that I do them with a body that aches all the time and the chances are it will get more difficult. Nevertheless I am surrounded by many people a lot older than me who are much more energetic and who are therefore providing a positive example despite the challenges of getting older (e.g. some are recovering from Cancer, but still get out there and are fully active)   I am incredibly lucky to have this time and it is no point wishing I had had more time previously to exercise,  get involved in politics etc, but ..... Is this just filling in time whilst waiting for death, or rushing to have a more fulfilled life or just life trundling on its own sweet way?  The good thing about being pulled into politics, is that any thoughts I had had about what I wanted to do with life have been shelved and now this is what I am focusing on.  There is a lot to learn about so that is good for my brain,  though finding the time and or energy is a bit of a challenge, and then there is the camaraderie so that is good and who knows perhaps we will also benefit the world with any luck.   Some of the others for example did a litter pick this weekend, and we have raised questions about footpaths, building and education already with the powers that be.                                                                  

Volunteering on the Community Garden in Cheshunt,  first we have to clear all the land of all the brambles and all the rubbish. 

Previous birthdays have sometimes been sad, I was dumped on both my 40th and 65th birthday,  twice I have been to a funeral on my birthday, which ironically was very jolly as I saw lots of family and people sang Happy Birthday,  this year will be marked by a trip to the pub and a party meeting - online.  Many old friends have to a certain extent faded away, sometimes we get in contact, and one or two I meet properly but now there are also the people I paint with, garden with and do Tai Chi with.  

Went as local party representative to this event in Cheshunt. 

I do not know why but 67 feels significantly older than 66.  Somehow I need to really embrace this ageing process.  I know most of the time I do, but sometimes people get a bit maudlin this time of the year and this year I definitely have. I think it is partly because I had hoped I would spend the day with family but cannot, however,  I will enjoy my birthday and will raise a glass or two to myself and hope for many more years, if vaguely healthy, to come. 

My art is not going to change the world but doing it changes my world. 

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