Friday, 6 May 2022

Polling Day

I spent Polling Day having to bite my tongue whilst the Tory candidate next to me is claiming in her publicity to be a green champion, when her party is part of the reason we are in a situation of climate emergency. She may be genuine, seeing her dashing back and forth between polling station on foot she may well be but why she has not made the connection between her interests in growing things and the environment and the damage being done by her party to the enviroment. I want to write this on her facebook page, but knowing now I have to be thinking of the party rather than just my own anger, I am holding back and just writing on this page, in the safe knowledge that very few people will read it. "We would not be in the position of climate change emergency if the various Governments of the last few years had taken note of the crisis and acted. The pollution level is terrible here so would be interested to know what is being done to in Broxbourne to improve things. Mature trees keep being chopped down and are not replaced by sufficient trees to compensate and there is no where locally for people without land to plant trees as part of the Queen's Canopy as far as I can tell. And much of the area is a building site as five bedroom properties are being put up in lots of parts of the borough. So I fail to see how the local Conservative Party can claim to be keeping Broxbourne beautiful". People of Broxbourne please wake up and smell the coffee. Some good news is though that nationally the party has been battered and the Greens and Lib Dems on the whole have done better. And amazingly we came second in the area where we did a sustained campaign. I say we but actually I did little towards it so well done to those who did leafleting and doorknocking. I came forth, which seems a bit disappointing after polling third previously in another ward, but this year the focus was on getting a full slate which we did and coming second, which we did. How do we build on this? I had no idea how much hard work it is getting people out to vote, I thought we were just told it is election day vote and people did, but no they need to be wooed and cajoled.

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