Wednesday, 12 April 2023

Hot all over but over mail, rather than, male.

 More gree and f   f     f as for days been trying to resolve a problem with Microsoft emails as my box seems to be full. Microsoft Community is full of people with the same problem, who like me have tried to empty their mail boxes and now find nothings seems to resolve the problem.  Stupid or perhaps clever as any company that wants to avoid the shit that should come their way they have a phone number that just tells you to go online, and says that is easier, when you are ringing as online solutions have failed. I suppose for years I have taken my account for granted, I have paid nothing for it and until this week it had the history of my work, my relationships, my taxes, my losses and gains, my searches for houses and now virtually nothing is left of any of it and all the people I was in contact with re politics, outings, holidays and so on - they are all in abeyance. 

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