The Following Events Are Based on a Pack of Lies The Following is Based on a Pack of Lies - Great title - new BBC series which is unsettling but in some ways, so far, celebratory viewing for anyone who has been conned. Very little work about to happy to get viewing.
Every second however, my What's App pings as the neighbours including myself have had to turn investigators and observers to stop trees being cut down in the street and land suddenly maybe built upon.
It all started a few weeks ago when a neighbour asked if I had received the letter. As it happened I had not, but I had seen the weird signs up around the street saying to contact the Council about the Auction. It turns out, and we still do not really understand why, but parcels of land in between the houses have been sold, with the implication that they can be built upon, which they probably in most instances cannot be, and then sold on again when this is realised. But one or two of the purchasers have taken to trying to move in on "their" land and acquire more of it. The weird thing is though they have not bought all the land as the Council maintains it but does not own it and any owners cannot do anything as they only own the sub structure or something like that. It is all very weird. Anyone Saturday a message went out, via the street What's App asking everyone to rush to protect some trees, which we have managed to do, the police have been informed about what is going on and why the residents are right to say, the owners cannot do anything with the land and with luck things might die down. But it is all most odd. The Auction Houses have been "lax" with their descriptions, the buyers, opportunists maybe thinking they have a bargain and then selling on again when they realise they have paid for something that at present is worthless and then one or two of them trying to bully their way onto the land regardless.
Oh, dear, just heard more land is up for sale, the weirdness continues.
On a nicer note, two sort of musical interludes, with R. One in Suffolk, which was still lovely despite the rain, which included a visit to Britten's House and last weekend a return to Carnival. Carnival has really changed, we were being charged for the loos, didn't really see any costumes and just heard big sound systems travelling around. I probably will not go again, but at least it was nice to see how it is, but it is like the heart and soul have gone out of it.
ng Events Are Based on a Pack of Lies
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