Saturday, 19 October 2024

Washington Part 1

 The minute you emerge from Washington Station the Capital building is ahead of one, and I was drawn towards it immediately despite the rain, forgetting that I was supposed to look for somewhere to drop my bags.  By the time I got to the Native American musuem it was coffee time so the poor security guy had to rifle through all my bags so I could grab another delicious muffin ( so much better than British ones) and then head upstairs dragging my bags behind me to engage in the detailed history of the native americans.  I could have spent a fortune in the musuem, but reminded myself to wait to I returned, but of couse I never did. However, I did treat myself ot one of the native American inspired food dishes before trailing on through The Mall and then up towards my hotel.  

The history of how the white man made all these deals with the natives, is an excrutiating one, but the musuem tries to give a balanced view of the relations which after a couple of centures had almost driven all the nations to extinction.  However, the museum is a celebration to of how the tribes and their cultures found ways to surive in some ways.    

The hotel that night was a treat,  I figured after several days with friends, where I was not sure how well I would have slept and time at the hostels I might need some time to myself. As it happened because I was so tired and everyone so kind I had actually slept well everywhere but was still shattered by the time I got to my hotel, too tired to head back into town once I had downed copious cups of tea but I was pleased to potter around the local area.  Washington is full of the most amazing houses,  and little districts. Lovely.  

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