Monday, 26 August 2013

Bested again?

My contact with the Legal Ombudsman has left them pissed off with me.  They asked me for evidence. I emailed it them. I clogged up their system as a result!    They were nice enough to speak with me at the start of this process, but they did not think to tell me how I was supposed to get the evidence to them.  The Property Ombudsman takes everything via email, but will not talk with one.   Like the PO, the LO only take physical evidence as evidence. They cannot look at the bigger picture.  The fact that the industry that they are looking at requires people to speak with each other and as a result of those conversations there are tangible outcomes does not come into it.  They are a bit like an online doctor who knows your height, weight, clothes size, but does not see you throwing up in the toilet making a judgement about your eating habits.  Other ombudsmen are allowed a little more elasticity: they are allowed to consider the bigger picture.  But the legal ombudsman and the property ombudsman only want facts, facts, facts, Gradgrind, and boy do they grind me down in their failure as a result to do their job properly.  The Property Ombudsman still has not accurately understood or examined the case I sent to him.  I therefore complained to Lord Best - some kind of overseer - that the PO had failed to do his job properly and in the process had failed to uphold the best standards of the industry (the only grounds upon which I can "appeal" the LO decision) . But Lord Best has, from my point of view, not done his best, so best for me that I get out, while some semblance of hope remains in me.  

Talking of PO the other PO has been posting all my mail for the last week to next door. They got back from their holidays today - so I have just had a grand opening. 

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