I had planned to try and work today but ...
Then I wanted to sleep but...
Instead I seem to be watching TV, eating, crying and let the memories float up. However I do wish I had a better memory, for example I am sure that Dad and I went to the proms together more than once, but there is a once that is really sticking in my memory as we rushed up the stairs and only just got into our box in time for the performance. I think it was someone called Tom Hanson or something like that singing American folk music, it was very lovely. I think after that visit I went to the proms quite often.
Dad was very good he often went to see my other Dad in concert which was I thought very kind of him. I know he liked music but it was just so nice to be in the audience with my Dad and yet be watching my Dad.
Which reminds me suddenly of when I graduated. I graduated after my first degree never dreaming when I got to Hons I would have such a good result, but Jeff was kind enough to come with me and tolerate me pretending to be batman in my gowns, but think how special it is to receive your degree and when you go up, there is your Dad on the dais as one of the OU officials.
Meanwhile back to the concert that stands out, we went to one near Sloane Square and had such a delicious meal of green beans and goats cheese sandwich... I did not know I liked such things but it was the only thing on the menu that I vaguely fancied but it was so nice. Then round to Cadogan Hall. probably the first time I had ever been there. I have a sense of the restaurant...
That is the problem with memories I have a sense of lots of places, like I can remember a sense of a restaurant we went to when I was a child, us queuing up and then when we had our meal me ordering rice pudding as I did not want to have anything too extravagant but despite thinking I sometimes I write, trying to think how to put that memory into an accurate description that someone can more or less say there are with me in that memory is much harder.
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