I have in front of me a repurchase contract note for £3000, it is partly how I funded a small bit of fun, that turned into a nightmare a couple of years ago. My stepfather wisely says do not risk money you cannot afford to lose, but this time as I had suddenly inherited or was about to inherit some money, I thought yes open your purse for once have a bit of fun - your friend and future employer is buying an auction property he is asking if you want to have a share just to see how the process works why not. He set up a company, explained that owing to a conflict of interest, it was better if my name was on the document, and having a limited liability seemed sensible as any monies from the property would be more protected. Little did I know. That move by him, saved me a lot but .... He opened the company account. We both, in theory, put in £6000 each and with that money he paid the deposit on the property - and that left money in the bank for other expenses connected with the sale e.g. the auctioneer, finishing work on the flat. My boss was going to pay for the solicitors - except that he did not. My boss had arranged the loan, but it turned out he had used my name, even before I had come on board with the deal, so once I contacted the company and found all this out, the loan was removed.The company failed to buy the property. The hotshot, who had shown me pictures of himself with Beyonce, and with his children and his famous nephews, who showed me the house he had bid over half a million on, who showed me his successful businesses, the man who claimed to be doing God's work, as he was working in Nigeria with farmers to bring e business to their efforts, the man is only listed on the net in connection with anti fraud methods, turned out to be ... well not what he seemed. Needless to say, I have never seen the money again, nor has the auctioneer and I had to pay the solicitor. Luckily I was protected from his actions to a certain extent by the creation of the business but I am still waiting to hear if it has been wound up, but as I have failed to get the accounts in on time (how do you do accounts for a company that you have no access to its bank account) I risk being fined £100 a day for non compliance. Most days one has moved on, but when you come across a document that reminds you of your foolishness it is annoying, especially as I would like that money back. So Mr B how about it?
Mr B is still in theory being investigated by the police, but they do not even bother to reply to my emails, Companies House do not care if a company was set up potentially to cover odd goings on let's say, they just care that there paper work is done, Action Fraud, said the case was not traceable even though that was not the case - so there is no incentive for people like Mr B to change. Meanwhile when I tried to find out more about the person, via the net, I was at risk of being charged with libel by him!
I am lucky, luckily I did not leave my job, despite having taken up his offer of work, I panicked that I would not have the skills to do it! and apologised for letting him down so it could have been much worse, but if anyone recognises some of my story and thinks that something similar has happened to them if we can all get together then maybe some action will happen.
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