Tuesday, 29 October 2019


Very tearful angry etc. Bloody CPS apparently the police did charge BB but the CPS then pulled the case.  Their lawyers consistently justify their decision on incorrect grounds e.g. saying I gave the person money when that is not what I did, I put money into a business account, which turne dout to be his personal account which he had renamed.   What do you do when those who represent justice just completely ignore you the evidence etc. Even Bex has told them he has the money and that he has not given it back in all these years but still that cuts no ice.

I have also asked for his address several times, and not succeeded, but I might now have a way of getting his address.  So the battle goes on.    Now instead the battle is to ask the CPS why does it keep ignorring the evidence and why it has proceeded to a review when they know the OiC (Officer in Charge) is on secondment and that no one else seems to have taken on the case. 

Meanwhile though we are not leaving the EU on the 31st, but who knows still what the future brings. 


  1. So much anger in the Blog against companies, authorities, and a particular individual. It is the thread which courses through the years.

  2. To have unfinished business with the instigator is one thing, but to then double up and have unfinished business with the CPS as well is something else again.
