Monday, 11 May 2020

Conspiracy or cock up?

Everyone is scratching their heads today, yesterday despite only being responsible for English policy re the virus,  Boris went on air to announce a change in policy, that did not seem to have been discussed with the other countries of the UK,  where they have not changed their policies. Boris seemed to be telling people despite it being only a few hours away from work on Monday morning, that even though no guidance had been issued that they were expected to go back to work this morning provided they did not use public transport.  Complete mess, complete farce.  No wonder Nicola Sturgeon looks at the end of her tether. Even Tory spokespeople are at times admitting the message could have been clearer.    The Government has resisted a staggered change in the lockdown in parts of Britain even though some areas are not affected as badly as say London on the grounds that they do not want to cause confusion with their message, but today everyone is trying to work out what the new message stay alert (the world needs lerts) means. 

I was recently sent a video outlining the dispute Dr Judy Mikovits has with the way that the virus is being handled in America. The person who sent it feels that there is a conspiracy to stop us hearing alternative views. I tested this assertion by both watching the video to judge her and the quality of the information for myself and by putting it up on Facebook. It lasted 5 days.  I thought some of her views were clumsily expressed and if some of it is not accurate she could be sued for libel, but when another post on facebook from the BBC Specialist Disinformation Service slammed the video for being full of stupid science, I went back to watch it again, this time from a version I had been forwarded on What's App, as I thought the BBC description seemed inaccurate. Having re watched it,  I still think the BBC's assessment of the video is sloppy to say the least. SAdly because the video is being taken down, people are not being given the chance to assess for themselves the advice.  If I remember rightly she talked about the potential use of a malaria drug in the treatment of Covid 19.   Interestingly when the BBC interviewed Prof Peter Horby who apparently is heading some of the trials into potential meds or was talking about those trials in the Uk, he was pro the medicine that reduces the impact of the virus that is being tested in the states, but was  very dismissive of this malaria treatment - ahead of the trials.   So how is that being detached and scientific in approach?    All this fuels the idea that there is a conspiracy.   And still no mention of things like vitamin C treatments or other oxygen treatments even though there are some specialists urging that these also be trialled.   I have decided to do a free OU course to improve my knowledge and understanding of medical viruses to help me assess the comments going viral on the topic.

I have just found another example on the BBC some of this is useful and I will try and go over the information to verify it, but of course we cannot go back to the source as it has been removed, but some of it would seem to have some errors in it too. Sunshine has Vitamin D in it so is helpful for building the immune system to enable people to fight off the virus and similarly Vitamin C has been used in China and the states to treat the virus for the same reason.  The results of the trial are still to come out,  but Jack Goodman has dismissed these as potential treatments and used them as examples to say why she is wrong.    No wonder us mere mortals find it difficult between varying scientific opinions and sloppy journalism. 

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