So a couple of days after falling out with my friend, I received this but from someone with a different name. Some of the information in it, suggests it was from my friend, but and this seems more likely perhaps this is evidence of how clever fraudsters can be or those who just infringe on one's life - perhaps that is my fault for putting too much information out there but this email uses information about my " friend" or information that suggests the person knows me and my son but it also does not seem real - as if someone really wrote it, more like it would be if a card reader or someone giving a horoscope reading had written it for despite the apparently accurate specifics on the whole it is quite general.
The two currency exchange bureaux I can get to remain closed since the lockdown in March. I have Dollars cash from my cancelled US holiday, enough to cover my night of arrival and the following day. After your visit to Croatia it occurred to me that N O or N and his partner could benefit from the currency, if I could pass it on . I was going to raise this with you. As it is the money will continue to languish on the mantlepiece. I'll probably donate instead when I eventually change it up. I will miss knowing how N O's life shakes out as he gets older.
I have a lovely bi-racial toddler in the family. A cousin married a Kenyan and have this son. This couple like to have gatherings on special occasions. The outdoor feasts, with goat meat, are something else. It's good to know this little bi-racial boy has extended Kenyan family in the UK in addition to all his relatives in Kenya. I've come to see how important that is through N O. .
I'm over my moment of explosive exasperation. I donate periodically to a Calais charity, for the few truly desperate displaced children and youngsters who turn up there, but it is those who buy a passage to the UK who usurp.
Nothing more to communicate except I regret seeing the BB posts. Your horrible time and thoughts placed into the ethersphere. Too much. A crystallising moment later for me in the debacle was that it is a person's actions and not their words which count in the end. Separately, the breakings of trust with N along the way over the home abroad were shocking too. Once again actions over words. So relieved to be far away from that facet of your personality.
I wish N O well in his future.
If it is from my "friend" - well they are out of my life anyway, but if from someone else, what is their motivation. It is scary that people can access information and create a fiction. Whoever it is they do not like me.
Weird goings on on my other blog, something I have not touched for years, but someone has commented on that. And very weird goings on with my gas and electrics. All the world seems a bit out of kilter still.
It also seems that I have comments on this blog. Interesting comments. I think that they have answered the intrigue.
It is never a matter of liking or disliking the personality, it's about questioning the complexities and contradictions - playing the ball and not the man in sports speak. If ever there was a case of do as I say not as I do it's the contradiction where it is somehow ok to chase down a man of colour for years for allegedly breaking the law but at the same time saying it's just the ticket for boat people to seek to enter the country illegally, breaking the refugee and immigration laws, and implicitly supporting the criminal traffikers. It's irrational, a sophistry, gaslighting almost. To do so does not mean the person expressing these opposing views cannot be likeable at the same time. It's extraordinary how an Educator can not make the distinction and so takes a diifference of opinion personally.
ReplyDeleteThe lack of logic similarly applies to the word humanity. Where is the humanity in pursuing someone for years with a view to having them charged? Yet claim humanity is lacking in another person for opposing traffikers and boat people who knowingly break the law. Just another example of actual deeds overfine words. I'm sure the person of high intelligence must see these absurdities.
ReplyDeleteI pursued a criminal and of course I would argue against trafficking I do. Refugees are not acting illegally by coming here, their traffickers are.