Sunday, 24 July 2022

What is wrong with these people. Sunak and Truss more criminal overtures to asylum seekers. Not in my name.


Recceing off the Essex coasts for safe means to bring people who have the right to apply for asylum into the country.  A country I am already ashamed of because of their illegal inhuman approach to asylum seekers. 

Saturday, 16 July 2022

A fox came into the garden


A fox came into the garden a fox crept into the garden a fox slunk into the garden And drank the water down. 

We gathered up the rain drops, we gathered up the dew drops and put this in a bowl for you to drink the water down. 

Oh Bradley we'll glad share in Harmony with you and drink the water down.  

Water is the stuff of life, water is the stuff of life, water is the stuff of life and we'll drink the water down.   

It is so hot, that the foxes, which up to now in the Harmony Garden,  have been discreet,  came and sunned themselves but they were so hot that we realised they needed a drink.  W named the main fox Bradley.  

Friday, 8 July 2022

 Truly ghastly racism in the news on the BBC,  it is not a nice listen, but needs raising so please try and find the item about young children being exploited in Malawi. 

Boris is about to go 

I have reported an ad on facebook now several times and the same spam/scam ad keeps on a coming. 

And I am caught up with the NHS medical system.  I am waiting for a phone call, which is now late,  but not sure what it is about and this afternoon, have variously been told I have an appointment at 2.50 and also at 3 pm.    Unfortunately when I check my NHS website - the code I have been given is not recognised,  and there is no phone number on my referral letter so I cannot ring them. Three buses are needed to get me there, so hope it will pan out as my M.E, kicked in earlier this week, making doing anything difficult.   I can see why people avoid going to the Drs sometimes.  But if I have an ultrasound this afternoon that could either give me very good news or something I really do not want to hear.