Sunday, 24 July 2022

What is wrong with these people. Sunak and Truss more criminal overtures to asylum seekers. Not in my name.


Recceing off the Essex coasts for safe means to bring people who have the right to apply for asylum into the country.  A country I am already ashamed of because of their illegal inhuman approach to asylum seekers. 


  1. More virtue signalling nonsense while living a privileged white persons all white residential and activity privileged life. DH

  2. All the while not supporting son (of dual heritage), breaking promises, and treating effrorts to make somethinv of their life as a

  3. .... joke, of no consequence. What kind of person/parent does that to their child? Yet the same person has open arms, at the State's expense of course, for all comers of black origins who have the wherewithall to pay thousands of pounds to be shipped to the uk. Actions by the blogger speak to the truth. DH

  4. Fine words by blogger are shallow window dressing. DH

  5. The weird thing is the anti immigrant people are the more honest in their intent. Open declarations of no more peoples with alien non compatible beliefs and lifestyles, not in my neighbourhood, and not with the resources they and their antecedents have worked for and paid into. Furthermore they did not instigate or profit handsomely from the slave industry nor instigate recent unregulated open door immigration policies so why does the blogger ignore these aspects imposed from above without consultation and civic agreement? Ignore the justified reasons for objection and discontent? The blogger is university level educated so has been trained to see and evaluate evidence both sides of any argument so why doesn't she? Immigration and asylum are nuanced yet the blogger elects to be blind to this with hollow liberal words decidedly from the sidelines, from life as lived by many uk residents on the immigration front line. DH

  6. A very good thing to have come to my senses about the nature of the blogger and their endless blathering. DH

  7. Your poisonous and inaccurate words have damaged my family and so I have cut off all links with you. I do not care that you think I am a virtue signaller, I appreciate that migration is complex but it is not illegal and yet the Government is behaving as if it is and it is not just me who is appalled by their approach august bodies quite rightly reject their approach so my thinking is in line with humanitarian agencies. I am only writing this as some people might be influenced by your inaccurate comments about me. I hope that they will understand poison when they see it. I could speculate about the cause of the poison, but whilst it is annoying, it is not sufficiently interesting to think on it, it is however potentially libellous as well as damaging. So whilst it is hugely gratifying to know I still piss you off, please stop the poison. Enough.
