There has been a fire sending smoke up into the sky all day further up the valley, which is just about visible in this picture. Now as dusk is settling the red flames are distinctly visible. I keep pointing it out to everyone, but they just say it is normal. Last year in Portugal there were flames on all the hills as we drove along, which I also found rather frightening, but there was also a lake to escape to and very clear evidence of planes trying to dowse it. Here there is no sign of any one taking the slightest bit of notice. Given that all the buildings have a lot of wood in them, and that the valley is long and winding and the fire is at the exit I am not sure how they are remaining so calm, but of course they are used to this. So I just hope that it is as safe as they think it is. All these unexpected hazards. I think I will post pony crash out on the basis that at least I will have had some sleep should we suddenly have to escape!
This morning I thought that the fires had gone out but the red gash is there again tonight and I really do not like it. I am scared I am going to get left behind if everyone evacuates.