Since then I have had a patchwork of work. At the ROH I sometimes had double shifts and would pay for them later on in the week and recently I have often had to do 6/7 days work a week, but often short days with a break then more work and bit by bit I have been doing over 30 hours a week most of the time which is why I felt that provide that the days were not too long at Bilimkana I should be able to sort of return to a career job. I was upfront about the condition, or thought I was and that I felt I could try a proper job provided the length of days were not too long. I now have my after class schedule, starting from tomorrow I will not finish till 4.40. I start (admittedly later than the others) usually at 9. So it is the long day I have been fearing ever since I got here. M.E is not something I have a choice about, push myself too hard, and my health keels over, but I do not want it to stop me either. So I am going to give it a go. It will be more longer continuous hours and days than I have done in a long while, but I will try.
Meanwhile the teacher who does all the printing and promised me that he would show me how to print everything last Friday (but then did not) has gone to Biskek and no one knows how long for/. At the weekend I discovered that some of the rubbish being dumped locally is asbestos. I tell you that made me want to just get on the nearest plane and fly home. But I am always more fragile when ill. And I have a horrible feeling I just saw raw meat being cut on the same board that might be used for other foods. So lots of things that I had not expected even with the things that I thought I had expected. Meanwhile by tomorrow one of the rooms in the still being built school will be ready for my first kruzhki class - or after school class. HELP!!!
Having reflected on this I am beginning to think that the children who got it and then showed the others are really using all their powers of deduction so that while the process may take longer than if I could speak Russian or Kyrgis, educationally they are having to draw on all their resources to do their studies.