Tuesday, 5 November 2013


Internet very intermittent again, even with my colleagues dongle so will keep this short.

On Sunday the new member of staff came, she will be working in the foundations fourth school. Then on Sunday evening the rest of the English staff came, some very nice Kyrgyz women and my colleague from Talas, so that was good. Then we spent the whole of Monday doing training,some of which was useful, some of which needed developing a bit more to be truly useful, but I guess it was just nice to get the team together and now we are all up in a flat in Bishkek getting our HIV tests for our work permits so that is also very nice. It is good to be part of a team again, it was one of the nicest things about working in Hertford, but it is also nice to be back in Bishkek and have some time to wonder around and just nice to be away from work for a bit.  Though I bumped into one of the teachers from Talas here, which was very nice, then bumped into one of the Swedes with whom I went horse riding so that was also very nice, makes me feel like a local.

The school is being used by artists whilst we are away which is quite nice they are rather knocking out pictures, but it must be a nice way to spend the week.

Great weather here it is nice and sunny and warm so that is a bonus. I will try and put a new video together at some point to capture a bit of the capital and Karasol which is where I hope to visit on Thursday.

1 comment:

  1. How many times can I say nice and I am supposed to be an English teacher!
