Friday, 29 November 2013

The joy of skype

It has been a tough day just cos I am tired and the classes I teach today tend to be the noisiest. Kyrgyz children like to talk, but I have made life easier by with two groups making puppets. However, I was just checking my emails prior to going home in case there is no internet at the Ashu when the phone started ringing. I get skype calls even when not logged in. Once logged in Nathan was ringing to ask how to bleed the radiators as they are leaking water. Amazingly chatting about where an Allan key might be and whether that was the right thing, he worked out how to do it using a screwdriver and he and my nephew managed to remove the extractor fan that I was sold with the flat which does not and has never worked!!  I know where I would like to shove it, but think that the local gypsies who work as rag and bone men in the area will take it.  Anyway household chores done, I showed Nathan the school and was very cheeky and just interrupted a class so that he could say hello. This is the first time my students have been able to say hello to someone in the UK with me,   hopefully it will not be the last time as we want the students to speak with people Anyway so what started out as a bit of a yucky day has ended very well.

I saw this beautiful picture years ago but little did I know that one day I would live in such a scene. Grabar. 

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