Monday, 11 November 2013

Not sure what to do anymore.

So having planned to show the students something on the net and to play some audio the electricity went down but as the children's teacher was not there, they rioted instead..   5 year olds can snatch anything and everything when they want so every attempt to get some of them to work is destroyed.  I took the main problem away and he knew he had done wrong by tearing things up but at present does not have the self discipline to stop himself so I just thought get him out of the class.  Every moment I have most of them working, the others try and break things or kill each other, so the internet was the least of my worries. And the loo is locked so no toilet. And the computer room is locked so I cannot prepare anything for today or tomorrow.   The teacher of class 2A is still following my old timetable so turned me away from class at first. But the kids greeted me with glee, then a couple tried to just do their usual thing and bugger off.

We recently had staff training, I had even sent my colleague who promised to do something about discipline in the school some of the very helpful suggestions that some of you have been kind enough to send me.  But he did not follow up on any of it.  The discipline system was though explained to me. The thing on the wall is not the register, which is what I thought it was, it is supposed to show behaviour and if a child misbehaves, as the child in class zero did they are supposed to spend 15 minutes with me.  But I do not have 15 minutes and if I did, he would then be missing someone else's class so it makes no sense.  However, the Russian teacher in Bishkek did a very inspirational and interactive session on discipline, including lots of appropriate ideas about why children are ill disciplined. And we discussed how to challenge poor behaviour, some of which I understood but the children scatter before I can even use any of the techniques and it needs to be a whole school approach and I need to discuss how I manage these things with the head, but she missed out most of the Monday training, and because she was in training the rest of the week and I was away, we did not have a chance to follow up on any of the training. This is not uncommon in the UK either, you are trained to bits, but cannot get to then follow it and up and develop practical steps as to how to implement any schemes. So I really do not know what to do anymore. It cannot continue like this, as soon as the kids in year zero are settled they do lovely work and they sang beautifully but I am no use to the school is I cannot get the kids to listen and the school is no good to me if I cannot get them to support me.  Anyway one of my classes seem not to have turned up which is why I am writing this now we have the internet again, so I think it is time to take my headache home or at least back to the Ashu, I do not think that there are any guests so I will be able to cook what I want if I can find something.And it is snowing.

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