Prior to coming out here I found out that old neighbours of mine wanted to buy the downstairs flat, which was good news. I sent them a message saying if you are interested have a chat to Nathan as he is at home. I then got an official letter from a solicitor the garbled contents of which Nathan gave me and they were incomprehensible. So I emailed the solicitor asking for clarification. It took a while to get the right address for them but at the end of October I wrote to them by email asking several questions including how to deal with anything whilst living somewhere with no post, no printing etc. I also queried the plans as as far as I was concerned the plans given me by my solicitor was incorrect based on the sales information given me by W.H Brown. I gave the solicitors my Skype details too. I correctly informed the seller and the purchaser that I was waiting on the solicitors reply. In the end I wrote to the solicitor again and got a reply and I have been working through that reply ever since. I finally printed the paperwork needed today, like everything else it takes a lot of me leaping in and out of the computer room and praying either that the computer works or that no one else is on it. It is only since the computer guy came back last week that even that has been possible, but today I finally managed to get one of the two copies I need. I am now not sure who to get to witness the paper work as presumably the witnesses should have a modicum of English. I have also asked the the seller sort out the plans prior to the sale going through. However, despite all my efforts to sort it out, both the solicitors and the buyers seem to think I am the one delaying things. Well I am not. And it is as per usual really annoying me that I am accused of something when I am not guilty.
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