Monday, 27 January 2014

A lovely weekend.

I had a lovely weekend in Bishkek, really nice. I was met by my colleague and we had a quick catch up over coffee, then I was picked up by the nice woman who stayed at the Ashu recently and together we went and looked at the exhibition of work done by the artists who stayed at the school over winter.  To think that I had seen one of these works being finished only a week or so earlier.  It is very inspirational, the guy who has set up our school, also has this project, to support artists and to have a body of material for the foundation. Each artist donates one work of art, to "pay for" their week's board and lodging at the school.  The weather outside however, was horrid wet and snowy, so we then dashed to one of the many Bishkek cafe's for further conversation, before heading to the opera. I have learned as a result of these conversations, that there is a Kyrgyz cinema tradition from the 60's, that her relative, I think I am right her grandfather was a librettist, who died at a very young age, her mother a documentary film maker.  So another extra-ordinary Kyrgyz family.

The opera here starts at 5 which I find very civilized, but at first the half empty auditorium and the production could not compare with slendour of the now legendary ROH production of the Barber of Seville. However, by the second act, I was really getting into it. The production was in Russian which was interesting and I really loved the performances, especially of the maid and Don Basilio and because the theatre is relatively small  it is easy to see everyone's faces which really adds to the pleasure.  

 I find the applause here very strange, people slow hand clap, so here am I desperate to cheer and applaud against a totally different rhythm. At the ROH I think it is fair to say sometimes the applause is milked, here it is a brief well done and let's go the restaurant. Which we did. Another really nice Japanese restaurant.  Stunning spinach and brilliant bean sprouts and pork teriyaki, the first pork I have had here.   We just talked and talked and the plan was for me to meet her family next day.  But it was cancelled owing to their poor health. Flu  is going round and round, so instead I visited Osh market again and my favourite felt shop, where I bumped into the Japanese ambassador and his wife, before having a coffee and muffin, with my colleague at the ex pat's regular haunt The Sierra,  and coming back to the Ashu where I planned to do some work.  Instead I discovered that my computer was only working in Kyrgyz and refused to connect to the internet and my body  was slammed by aches and pains and I was up half the night. I have been fighting my throat infection for weeks now so had bought some medicine in Bishkek which my colleague explained was 95% alcohol so no way  was I drinking it, but in the middle of the night I sought it out to rub on my aching muscles and to my delight it has helped a bit.   I have rested all morning and will sleep again shortly, but as far as I can tell definitely not flu, probably just a reaction to the damp, and my general poor recent health and stresses. (Fibromyalgia?)  

So not quite the end to the weekend I had expected, but hopefully it will all sort itself out.

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