Tuesday, 21 January 2014

Blooming flowers.

I have just had my BT bill, £47 for going over my internet use in December £25 extra last month, all of which is a bit upsetting when I am not even there!    

Today seems to be throwing up these delights. The student teacher who is not a student teacher said she would help me today and checked which class I was in, then at the start of class she came and asked permission not to help me, as she had to make flowers.  Quite how making flowers is supposed to help her with her translating skills, when I am the only person she could possibly translate for, I do not know, but as no one has said what these students as supposed to achieve on work placement, if she wants to go and make flowers, go and make flowers, I will spend 38 weeks with out a translator in class, so why worry when the two weeks I could have one, I still do not have one. So suffice it to say I was not impressed. 

I then went to see year one, sorting out the sound for this class has been a constant challenge, so when after 10 minutes of them going to toilet and jumping around with joy as new swings have arrived, they still were not seated and ready for class, and there was no sign of their teacher, who is always supposed to be with me, I just thought that is it.  I have no energy, I have no voice, so sod it.  If they cannot bother to turn up for class, nor can I so I took my computer and resources away and just came back and sat at the desk for the next 30 minutes.  I told all the kids that they could get out their books, that they were all on the 15 minutes time with the teacher for their bad behaviour, then worked with the 5 children who had the whit to use the time to study.  3 minutes before the end their teacher appeared very apologetic, told the kids off and suddenly everyone tried to get my attention and show they were working, at which point I said, sorry I am going now.  And what was the teacher doing that prevented her coming and assisting me as required.  Yes she too was making flowers. 

Needless to say, when trying to decide whether I stay or go, incidents like this make me feel very reluctant to stay. More important though is if I can get my health back, having thought I was on the mend this weekend as soon as I started using my voice to teach yesterday, it started going again and tonight I realise that my chest still feels slightly wheezy.  I am beginning to really worry that my voice is not up to teaching permanently any more. As a counter balance the days feel slightly more spring like, despite all the snow on the ground, that has been there since November, or is it just that I left work early today. 

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