Tuesday, 11 March 2014

2 women in the kitchen, 2 strangers at the school and 2 helpers in class.

Last night after our vodka and supper at school I quickly helped wash up a bit before the bus home. The cook, acknowledged this with a nice smile and a nod of the head as I left.

Today I tried to wash up the breakfast plates and was told how to use a sponge and washing up liquid. I pointed out that we do wash up in English as both of us were talking in our own language I hope she did not understand my comment, but I certainly got her point.

But I must admit as I washed up at the school I remembered my dad's words about how wasteful I was running the hot water to use as a rinser and I had one boyfriend who would wash his cup before accepting a drink at my house and there is one person's home in the UK where I wash up in fear of the criticism for how I do it!  So it is not just here but it took the shine of this morning.

I invite all ex tenants to lob in complaints about the many stupid things I have said to them whilst they have lived in my house. I now understand why my tenants were so happy when I went to Senegal.

By the time I got home however, today it was how lovely Kyrgyzstan is, it was so warm and sunny I just sat out for half an hour and just relaxed. I guessed we had tourists in as during one class today I suddenly spotted a very handsome European looking man go past and then a stunning woman with blond hair. We are not on the main road and the window was not near the road, so I guessed that they were tourists at the Ashu having a nosy, but no sign of them at the Ashu tonight, but other people are in, so I am feeling very full of yummy food.

I had a clever idea today. I wanted to teach the year zero kids some maths/how many and I have 10 green bottles (the habit of throwing everything onto the street has some uses) so wanted each of them to try and knock them down and see how many they got. Having done this once before it ended in the usual scrabble for the ball, while their teacher sat at her desk ignoring the situation, but grabbing two of the girls who had arrived early for their after school class solved the problem. With three of us it was just about manageable and then they helped me get all the kids to colour in a bit elephant, picture of Elmer.  (Took me back to Senegal as I did the same thing there) One little boy was sat their cuddling two girls through much of the lesson, so he was really enjoying my strategy for trying to cut down fights of having boy, girl, boy.  The kids really enjoyed the class and they are better at their colours some of them than year one. But I had to chuckle as at the end the two helpers were exhausted and commented on how noisy the 6 year olds were. These two girls come from my dreaded class one, who are so noisy I HATE TEACHING THEM.   I then had to teach the two girls and the rest of their class alongside another class today as my Head was in Bishkek,so we had four older students and the group of 10 year olds. One of the colleagues who has left memorably told the older students to Shut Up when I taught their class she found them so noisy, yet this class found the 10 year olds so noisy that they recalled this bit of language instruction and put it to good use!  So they all find each other noisy but do not actually shut up and listen to each other.  No wonder I feel like I have been physically assaulted by the end of the day, but the sun at the end and the nice walk home somehow made it all okay. That plus the fact that I managed to go into the local shop looking for some Guzel Gyp or something like that and actually came out with some red thread, which was exactly what I wanted. Yippee.

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