Today apart from a lovely skype chat has been slightly abortive, I got a very bad back about 11 and have sort of just staggered about and rested since which is a shame as it was a lovely day. I rushed up to the school as I had left my computer cable there and wanted to try and log into Mooji's live Satsang from India and see if I could see Nathan. I was accompanied by two New Zealand doctors who are now living in Kyrgyzstan and learning the language before commencing work here and they wanted to see the school. They are both retired back home and had a wealth of knowledge about practical rural matters relating to Kyrgyzstan eg. some houses do not have a in door toilet because of the relationship to concepts of dirt and the practical problems of piping for areas which can freeze, so a tap always has to be left dripping to stop the stand pipes freezing up. They were with a nice Dutch couple and their delightful 2 year old. I suspect, learning down holding his hand whilst not wearing enough warm clothing to look at the tractors in the yard with him was what set my back off, my fault for thinking oh it is the weekend, it is really sunny, it is March. it would be nice for the first time in 4 months to wear my jeans rather than useful warm winter trousers.
After all that the signal here was not strong enough for me to get the broadcast, but lying about much of the afternoon I did give it a good try.
Prior to my back going it was a great weekend. I hurtled out of school on Friday, whilst waiting for the late, 4 pm bus, a car pulled up going to Bishkek and offering the journey for the same price so I accepted. Got to Bishkek about 6.15 for a 6.30 start and then unintentionally cheated a taxi out of most of the fare I gave him when he tried charging me too much - a case of him making the mistake of thinking I had understood him! If I had I would have told him where to go as it was I did the journey and was feeling a bit uncomfortable with his questions, the route and his idea of how nice it would be too work in the UK, so when he tried to overcharge me I just gave him the tiny amount I had in my hand and rushed off to meet my friends to go to a brilliant piano concert, Beethoven, Chopin, Tchaikovsky. All by a top notch Russian pianist. One of the people who went with us, kindly bought me the programme and I thought great I will be able to say his name properly, only to realise Saturday morning that the programme and all the pianists details had vanished. I spent the night at the youth hostel, not a great loo, but a nice bunk bed, where I chatted to the guy who seems to live there and next morning the second film director I have met since getting here. We actually had a good conversation about the Kyrgyz film industry and his plans for his film so I hope he makes it. One day maybe a Kyrgyz will be on the red carpet waiting for Oscar news.
After that I did some practical things like getting my second pair of broken glasses put in new frames but that turned out not to be possible with this pair, then met a friend for coffee. She is returning to the States soon after two and a half years here working in one of the orphanages, so she will be missed and then went and spent the afternoon with my now ex colleague the guy who recruited me, we had a really nice Turkish meal followed by coffee and cake before I headed back to the Ashu, where an Australian woman I have met before was with the aforementioned doctors so really a great weekend. Just a shame about the end of it.
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