Thursday, 20 March 2014

Norooz Bilimkana style.

I either have a hang over or I am suffering from post end of term show exhaustion. Despite the two glasses of vodka afterwards I suspect it is more the stress of getting the kids all through their shows. I arrived nice and early this morning thinking I had to blow up 20 balloons before 10.  When my head said that the festivities were due to start at 1, I had a coffee finished the balloons fought of the many,many many requests for balloons from the kids and ignored everyone till about 12.30 to write my end of month reports so that was pretty good. I had almost finished them when called to have photos so I got back into the national dress I wore yesterday much to the delight of the kids.  I quite liked flouncing around in it too, so that was nice. The gym had been decorated by the year 1 teacher who has a good eye and lovely style in person, so it was mix of traditional carpets and the spring things she had been making back in February. They are intricate origami models, what their significance is to spring I do not know but they formed the back drop.

Today's event was mainly music. I set up this computer half an hour before kick off so that I could play the year one tune of The Balloon Song, they knew the colours and chorus rather than the words so hoped that the music would disguise a lot. Practicing the song with balloons has turned out to be quite a challenge as the kids just got so hooked on whether they had a balloon or not I had to give up the lesson, so perhaps I should have done it with older kids. When I checked back in the room just before kick off the computer had died. So I set it up elsewhere in case the plug used was faulty. I got one of my students to oversee it and to press the on button when it started.

Meanwhile I had the chance to go around and say some hellos. People are more famliar to me and they are more used to me too so it felt very friendly we also had a visitor just drop in by chance from the UK via Vancouver where she has lived most of her lift. She deals in the lovely wall hangings (Shardik) so comes over quite often.

Then we kicked off with the year one children all playing Komuz, then singing the balloon song.  The computer had accidentally started during the Head's welcome so had worked two minutes earlier but of course refused to work and all the balloons had become tangled so that was a bit disruptive so we had to sing without music, I hope that the effect was sweet if not fantastic.  Year two played the Komuz well and then were absolutely fantastic singing the four songs I had given them to learn. I was very proud. The only downside because the two classes performed together which was a good idea that I found out about this morning fitting them all in to do the dancing was difficult and in the end song they were supposed to be pointing at their families but were in a circle and pointing at each other!  But by far their best performance, and they were really responsible about it. For reasons best known to herself, whilst trying to video the year zero teacher kept asking whether her children were performing their song with me next, quite when else they would perform it I did not know as that was the scheme set out quite well this morning. So they did Here We Go Round the Mulberry Bush and were very sweet with it.  There followed some more dancing by the older children including a rendition of the dance I danced yesterday at the staff get together, more of which later, and some great komuz and singing by music and dance teachers, before all the farewells were said.

I was honoured that the owners mum with whom as some of you will know I have a slightly challenging relationship was very kind, had her photo taken with me so that was really nice.  Then when her son arrived he was so chuffed to see my in my national dress he gave me a big hug and a kiss. He later dispensed kisses and hugs to all the ladies.  Men here kiss and hug a lot too, it can get quite emotional and really nice and chilled. Just on the cheek, nothing inappropriate, but just very lovely.  (He is married to a very nice woman, who I am hope I can call a friend) We all had a light tea, raised a glass or two and I pottered back to here to bed just to recover.

I hope so spend some of the holidays putting the video together of our festivities so only upload a short extract now. However as this computer is definitely beginning to give up the ghost hope I will manage.

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