Happiness gurus suggest community work as a way to happiness and it is certainly has been a great week cos of all the community involvement this week.
M is back from the Caribbean, this woman introduced herself to me about 6 months ago at the Tuesday at 2. We talked and she mentioned that her grandson had been at HRC., As the last stint of work there was so awful this was a bit concerning, but to my horror it turned out that her late grandson had been the only ray of hope in one of the groups, so we bonded over her sorrow then she had to hurtle off to the Caribbean to sort out family things. So catching up with her again was great. So that was Tuesday. Then on Wednesday as per usual it was art group. This group has turned out to be not only a great source of inspiration artistically but it has turned out to be a source of help and humour. Having had lots of problems with the plans and other legal things connected to the flat it has been incredibly helpful to have professional guidance from husband's of members and members. But the laughs are just silly. Who knew us oldies could be so funny.
Then today with the Big Local community worker it was great to be in discussion with Broxbourne Borough Environmental Services to get a heads up on possible ways to set up a community garden in the area. I felt like an intelligent human being again. It was really useful to get their input into what works and what doesn't. Then from there it was onto further training for the project being held in local churches after Christmas to provide temporarily shelter for the growing number of people classes as homeless in the Borough. 4 years ago despite always being a deprived area there were virtually no homeless people in the area but now over 43,236 nights are paid for at £6000 a night to try and keep people off the streets. Broxbourne Borough does try and get local landlords to rent out to people on the housing list but most rentals are done through agencies as you get more money.
I feel that this project has sort of brought things in the Borough together as one of the main coordinators is the father of the woman who ran the gospel choir I was a member of and several of the gospel choir are part of this project. I guess when one has lived in a place for over 20 years at some point things do come together. So why have I just put my house up for sale when it is finally coming together. Feel so torn. I had always meant to rent this place out via the Broxbourne scheme but of course from the minute I moved in things went wrong mainly because virtually everything that I was told about the place by WH Brown was incorrect and that is unfortunately still playing out in the problems that I still have with the place. This flat has its moments I love that all my art work is about the place and the place actually works in many ways.
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