Wednesday, 15 April 2020

Bloom , Zoom, Doom, and Boon.

It was Easter last weekend.  and "celebrating it alone" was clear evidence that things were different this year, so a family zoom meeting seemed ideal. The whole idea of zoom meetings is new, but when one has close family in Wales, the north of England, and Portugal it is very hard to get us all together, so it really raised my spirits having the get together to look forward to and really made Easter Sunday special, but then it seemed more lonely in some ways getting back to work today and yesterday and realising the crisis is still on.   However, more get togethers are planned. And I get a text every day from family abroad with prayers for the day. 

And lots of things keep me going - my online singing sessions,  the books I nabbed from the Wormley and Turnford Big Local knowing the lockdown was coming;  my work of course,  teaching people all over the world online,  live streaming by some of the major theatres  and the community allotment.  We are having to be a bit more careful about going up there, so that we can keep a distance but today I walked up there glorying in the sunshine and the blossom and sorted out more pots so that I can plant out more herbs and watered the rhubarb.   

Lockdown reading.

I have also in theory joined both the NHS and Covid-19 Hoddesdon Mutual Aid groups.  With the NHS I had to download app and put it on when I am on duty. I have offered to phone people in need of a chat, but I am not fully sure the system is working as it does not seem to show the hours I have been on duty and no requests have come through for a volunteer to ring anyone. Much more active seems to be the Covid- 19 Facebook group.  Every day they ask for someone to collect and deliver prescriptions and volunteers immediately respond. Again there have been no requests for Chat support, which is what I have signed up for, but it is very encouraging to see community support in action and I am sure my time will come. 

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