Friday, 24 April 2020

Like a dog with a bone!

 And all because I had the temerity to point out that it was very confusing that having signed up some weeks ago to phone people, they kept asking for volunteers to do that, but then do not allocate people to do that!.  
Helen, you clearly want an argument. We responded and you have carried on like a dog with a bone and now frankly you're being patronising and passive-aggressive - One doesn't expect that from anybody. We are not under obligation to give jobs to anyone and frankly your attitude in these incessant messages has made me wary of you speaking to anyone in a vulnerable position. As .......... said previously thank you for supporting us up until now but I will be blocking you from sending any further messages to this page and removing you from the local group so you can take your "fury" elsewhere. I do hope you keep safe and well

1 comment:

  1. Well, that was an interesting post. Hells bells.
