Friday, 3 April 2020

To bed, to bed, cried sleepy head.

I have taken to my bed, whether it is the virus or my M.E I do not know as the symptoms are so similar. I keep waking in the night fearful that this is it.  However as  I have been getting worse and worse for three weeks now and even though I often feel like I have a temperature, but then when I check I have not M. E seems the more likely cause. I also think it has finally occured to me taht I am locked up and so I feel I have retreated. The ideal would be to really retreat, really dig deep and go into some great creative maelstrom and have an epiphany, but instead I am just creating too much albeit wonderful food e.g. brownies made with coconut sugar and avocado and watching loads of movies and other treats. Last night the National Theatre production of Two  Govnors, or something like that the play that launched Cordon'sAmerican career. and tonight it was the ROH's production of Acis and Galactea, which I had ushered for back in 2009.  I remembered thinking then I wasn't sure what was going on, but now I have at last seen the rest of it. Still not sure what was going on but beautifully sung and some interesting dance.  See the horrors of outside retreat until bed time.!  Two good things though  I have finished the work started in my now curtailed art group and I am genuinely pleased with it and I have structure through work and joy through the singng group I have joined online.  Strange times.

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