Friday, 1 January 2021

New Year and it is still bleak.

 New Year's Eve is always frustrating to me - the lost chance to  bogie the night away,  the desire to go just a little crazy,  was even more curtailed than usual as we are not allowed out.  A nice meal sometimes is not enough.  

And the day after there is always the dilemma that when the year turns somehow we are supposed to do something and in some ways be different.

Last night at 11pm fireworks went off.   People celebrating Brexit not the New Year.  Why am I still here in the UK?  It is if one knows there is a disaster and yet instead of getting off one just heads towards it.  I do not understand that, even though that has been a regular course in life.   Of course with luck things will be okay, and to my amazement a last minute deal has been done but that feels very fragile and made much more so because of the virus.  Just watched Dr Who but reality is more weird and more challenging.  We will have to somehow grit out teeth and get on with it even more.  No new dawn, just more small scale life and hopes one will get through it.     Compared with previous times it is still easier than it was but today things seem a little bleak.  

Update 4th January - some Brits have been turned away from European ports in Holland and Spain!. 


  1. Ah, the Johnsonian brexiteers - proto Trumpian Great Patriots. And to think it was posited what was I so afraid of from uncontrolled mass migration and dinghy crossings from n.France to Kent, which was stoking polarising hard brexit views arising from communities not being heard/experiencing the squeeze on housing and local services. The illiberal liberals, living right yet speaking left dogmatically, protected by wealth,are as much a threat to cohesion as the Farage's and Johnson's.
