Just when hope seemed to be on the horizon, a welcome thought when almost 2000 a day are dying, there are new question marks about the vaccine as care home dwellers who have had the vaccine continue to get Corona Virus badly and some still die from it! So the way out of this seems to be closing down, especially with new variants around.
I take comfort and worry more too from the case around mosquitos as malaria still kills many more than the virus and it has taken years to get anywhere with how to live with mosquitos safely, but this programme was very interesting as it talked about the benefits of mozzies and how challenging it is to find a way to protect people from them. Who knew, for example that, out of all the species of mosquito that only 150 of the types are deadly and it is only cos the mums are trying to provide good protein for their off spring. But just getting rid of still water can help reduce the problem immensely
Meanwhile, congratulations to some thoughtful young women who have set up the campaign Choked Up - to challenge the Government about the air pollution and the damage it causes our lungs in the wake of the death of Ella Adoo Kissi Debrah. I remember, when my sister was little, being concerned that her push chair put her in direct line with gunk from cars and the issue was no better 24 years later when Om was born We spent much of his youth going to hospital owing to the pollution where we lived in London but luckily he was much better once we came out of London, but no one should have to move to avoid pollution, the pollution should not be there. But now Ella's parents have managed to get a ruling that the pollution contributed to her death. Out of their tragedy, and knowing that Covid victims are more vulnerable if they live where it is badly polluted one can only hope they succeed in getting Government action at last. The campaign only seems to be on Twitter at present, which I do not have, but hopefully it will develop out from that.
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