Tuesday, 5 January 2021


 Community allotments can be the cause of great stress. 

Having nursed an area over winter and slogged my guts over the path on the other part of the allotment, knowing at present I was the only person doing anything more or less,  it was a ghastly shock today to find some of it dug up.  

I appreciate someone else was trying to be kind, but it was a ghastly shock. I have known for a long time that at some point other people would come along who do things differently and in truth we need other people to come along, I definitely cannot do it on my own, nice though it has been, it is a community facilities, but then I want to know why is it that when I do things there on my own initiative they are cruelly criticized and undone, but when someone releases a whole load of greenhouse gases into the environment they are praised. 

Having said all that of course, I have spent the winter pulling up living beings to create a path that I personally probably would not have bothered about doing, but it is apparently what is needed and I have got great pleasure out of bit by bit doing it.   And of course I then go home and put on the kettle which is just as bad for the environment and when I can I will take flight again.   It is my own fault for selling my house in the first place, which had its own garden. But at the moment, once again the community allotment is causing more immediate stress than anything else in my life and more pleasure and given the pandemic raging around us that is saying something. 

Where I got my information from re winter digging: 


  1. One of the most interesting things I read, in coming to understand people with narcissistic traits, was that such people never change never evolve. Such that after a hiatus of years they will still be going round in the same limiting loops whatever the siuation. It is dismal to see the truth of this lack of development in this blog's many entries over many years. Forever moving on, casting aside, new faces, new places, but inevitable same old. Weirdly, the unpredictable becomes predictable. Human natures are endlessly interesting.

  2. It's really strange, a close younger female relative, who has marked anti-social, nay almost sociopathic tendencies, is also perpetually disgruntled with forces percieved to be working against her. I'd have thought the energies put into being malcontent would act as a driver to achieve, aim for better, but not so. I so wish the blog writer and the relative could lighten their lives.

    1. In the end one eventually has to be true to oneself and become free of self absorbed unempathetic over critical malcontents. No communication with damaged relative and skindeep so called friend has been a life quality enhancer. Minimal sense of loss - so surprising. Aiming for the next (final?) ten years of life to be good ones.

    2. With the passing of the present heatwave a memory has come back of receiving the unwanted post stropping about priti patel also during a heatwave when struggling with heat induced asthma. Awful day of just trying to get through it.

  3. One hopes, in this season of goodwill, that both the blogger and relative have, or will, re-establish working relationships with their close family members. The years too quickly roll by.

  4. I see I am not the only one unhinged by the times. Of course I am narcissistic, I am a human being, but I am also a nice kind human being too at times and it is very human to not like being criticized. After all who knows what criticism can unleash!

  5. Sarcasm -Too funny.
    Broxbourne area a covid hotspot. I doubt if the virus will have the nerve to land on your sometime excoriating self. Nevertheless, Stay well.
