About 8 last night I started feeling quite ill, sharp pains, nausea, very cold when I had been hot the rest of the day and it was like oh, no here we go again. So last night a large proportion of the night was spent in the toilet, so I was very relieved if you excuse the expression when my after school class was cancelled today. It is veterans day and most other schools are closed. It meant I could get home by 3.30, However, I stupidly popped into what I thought would be the end of today's partying and got caught for the next hour or so. But today's party was for locals so I recognised some faces, which was good, and I actually realised I wanted to eat, but just bread and jam, nothing too fancy. So in many ways it was nice to be there, but by the time I got to my room I was desperate to sleep and will go to bed early tonight and hopefully be recovered in the morning. I am not quite sure why I have had so many stomach upsets since getting here, but a lot of tourists in Kyrgyzstan do seem to have similar problems. Much more here than in Senegal.
For reasons I do not understand I cannot upload the video of me reading to the children, but today I showed it to them at the end of class. Given that they rave over things like balls, bottles or eggs, I thought that they would be transfixed by the sight of themselves, but once they had looked carried on colouring in the worksheet I had given them. Their passion for colouring is enormous. We have another new student in year 0 so 17 children without any assistance, and the new poor just looked at me in complete disbelief, but the old hands got on with the worksheet and understood it straight away, so that was good so I was able to sit with the new kids. however, 7 children were away so not sure how I am supposed to manage when they are all there.
Good news texted to me though, despite having no car to practice on in between lessons, Nathan has passed his test. Yippee, well done. And tomorrow he heads off to Rishkish to help at a satsang. Let's hope he does not spend it all on the toilet!
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