Tuesday, 11 February 2014


I enjoyed a nice quiet day finally getting some printing done, had almost finished, but then of course things started going wrong with the printer and I had to get to class, so just dropped everything went to class, no students. Finally found them having lunch at 11.15. To my embarrasment I am saying Engliski and everyone bursts into Happy Birthday. They must have thought I was being very churlish, cos I just walked out again, thinking class hello Then thought twit, you knew it would be different this week, and that was really nice, but of course I had walked out by then.

So eventually I gathered the kids together and took class. One group really are not getting it, no signs of them reading, but the other group is really suddenly taking off. There is a little girl in this group, I was quite worried about her pre Christmas she is so quiet, and her paper work was behind. Then in the winter festival I realised how much she loves singing and dancing. This term i am revising a lot of the songs, and everytime she is up and dancing really putting her all in, and today she came up and asked in lovely clear English can I go to the toilet. True my mania for singing and dancing is a nightmare for the one kid who is really shy about himself, but her suddenly speaking with me like that blew me away.

On the way home I got a lift from the grandfather at Ashu, it was about 4 in the afternoon and very warm, his temperature guage showed it was -4 outside, when his son gave me a lift yesterday morning it was -22 outside.  Shows at -4 it can be very balmy, but if it was -22 at 9.30 and felt cold, can you imagine the temperature at 6.30 in the morning. !!!!. When I got in I found that the family had totally moved the lounge around, gone the wardrobe, gone my box with clothes in it, and in more carpets and even a TV, as extra members of the family are here, it suddenly as if I am in an home stay within a hotel.

My colleague who is thinking of leaving has been sent to Shabdan to work with me for a bit, so a sudden nice and unexpected outcome. I think she probably will still leave, but it will be lovely to have her company and benefit from her knowledge until she does.

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