Saturday, 12 April 2014

Blown away

Blown away, not by the zero degrees temperature, but by the vision of these two men for The Ashu and Bilimkana Foundation.  The Ashu is to have two conference rooms and two dining areas because of increased demand - this village really is changing - more work for local people, and at the Bilimkana - well those ideas are still being teased out, but if half these ideas come to fruition then the kind of things I have always hoped for and dreamed about may come true educationally, culturally and ecologically.  Now all I need to do is to learn a lot more English grammar so that I can keep my job, a lot more Kyrgyz and/ or Russian to expand my position and to get  Om to come and visit and other friends and family that way it might be feasible and worthwhile to stay on.

When we got back from the school we were going to sit and have a coffee while I tried to absorb some of the ideas but there was a new seminar group there who my boss new and before I knew it we were back at the school with half the seminar which was really good cos it was a policy making group for communications in its widest sense but unaware of the work of the Bilimkana Foundation. One visitor Kyrgyz said that if he knew such schools existed then he would think of being a teacher in the regions. Things like that have to be a good thing.

Spoke for an hour after with my son, even before speaking with him  knew that if I were to carry on with the Foundation it would be an ego thing a last chance to make my mark in the world. The interesting thing is after speaking with him, I felt I did not have to satisfy my ego.

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