Thursday, 10 April 2014

Burning with indignation

Practices that decrease soil organic matter

Any form of human intervention influences the activity of soil organisms (Curry and Good, 1992) and thus the equilibrium of the system. Management practices that alter the living and nutrient conditions of soil organisms, such as repetitive tillage or burning of vegetation, result in a degradation of their microenvironments. In turn, this results in a reduction of soil biota, both in biomass and diversity. Where there are no longer organisms to decompose soil organic matter and bind soil particles, the soil structure is damaged easily by rain, wind and sun. This can lead to rainwater runoff and soil erosion (Plate 3), removing the potential food for organisms, i.e. the organic matter of the topsoil. Therefore, soil biota are the most important property of the soil, and “when devoid of its biota, the uppermost layer of earth ceases to be soil” (Lal, 1991).

I had explained this last week to my head, in basic terms, and as we want a garden to grow vegetables thought she had heard and understood. Today in class with my older after class students I asked them about organic farming as the term is in the book we had read together and in the process said that in addition to horse manure, which they do put on the land, they should keep leaves and put them on the land too.  So when I immediately came out of class afterwards and found four members of staff, busy in the playground,  not sorting out safety isssues (I need to double check this tomorrow) but burning the leaves, I just left in despair.  And if you are wondering whether as an English teacher this is beyond my remit, well I think no, because we were brought in to bring ideas in from the wider world, and any topic using English is on the agenda including gardening and schools are supposed to be places where education happens, especially in theory in a Bilimkana School. My head's explanation when I asked why, she said no space, We have a dirty great big empty field. 

I am still trying to calm down and recall all the stupid ecological things I have done, like sell my house with its lovely eco patch to people who tore down my trees, but I am still mad because here the soil needs replenishment. 

On a lighter note on the way to school I did approve of some burning as there were a whole bunch of kids out burning the rubbish in the valley, this probably included burning toxic plastic and other dangerous substances, but for once the valley looks a little better. 

And to try and help calm myself down further two lovely pictures. 

Party of teenagers cleaning up the rubbish in the valley. 

Standing guard. 

Two colleagues having a well earned break. 

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